GTH Poster Printing Service

We are pleased to inform you that this year we will be working with the innovative PosterSessionOnline service to provide a poster printing service for this year’s meeting.
Click on the picture below to get more information on how to get your poster printed and shipped to the GTH Congress in Vienna. You can use the GTH Poster template.

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Abstract Submission is closed. Thank you for your contribution!

Notifications have been sent out. If you have any questions regarding your abstract and/or presentation, please contact

Submission categories

  1. Venous and arterial thrombosis
  2. Arteriosclerosis and inflammation
  3. Pathomechanisms of thrombosis
  4. Coagulation and cardiovascular complications
  5. Coagulation management in extracorporal circulation and cardiac assist devices
  6. Cancer and thrombosis
  7. Haemophilia and von Willebrand disease
  8. Other congenital bleeding disorders
  9. Paediatric haemostasis and thrombosis
  10. Bleeding of unknown origin
  11. Platelet dysfunction and associated bleeding disorders
  12. Gene and cell therapy
  13. Acquired coagulation disorders
  14. Fibrinolysis
  15. Perioperative haemostasis
  16. Haemostasis in women
  17. Hormone treatment and impact on coagulation
  18. Laboratory issues
  19. Blood components and plasma concentrates
  20. Vascular wall biology and disorders

Abstract Guidelines

  • Abstract text is limited to 3,000 characters including spaces
  • Submission language is English
  • Please structure your abstract as follows:
    • Introduction
    • Method
    • Results
    • Conclusion
    • Conflict of interest
    • References
  • You can upload up to two items (table and/or image) to your abstract.
  • Please chose up to 5 free keywords for your abstract.
  • Encore abstracts are allowed. They will be rated separately and presented in frames of a special encore session.
  • Please check spelling and grammar carefully. All abstracts will be published as submitted
  • Use generic names. Commercial drug names may not be used
  • Please note, the presenting author will need to be registered and attending GTH 2024.